Saturday, June 23, 2007

One Very Full Week!

Can you find me in the picture? 29 of us just got back yesterday from my very first Youth Camp. I went as a chaperone and I can quickly say, it was an Energetic, Emotional, Extraordinary, Exciting Experience! It was so Ephenomenal (the "e" is silent when it is placed in front of a "ph" that sounds like an "f"), that I would be very willing to chaperone again in future years.

I am super exhausted, but am truly amazed at the resilience and stamina that sustained me (by the grace of God) till I got home yesterday afternoon. Many people don't realize that camps, whether they be Kids or Youth, are a non-stop event where, as a chaperone, you must be going, going, going, from sun up till 1:30 or 2:00 in the morning--every single day there! There are services, which cause you to stay attentive and respond, games that are highly physical and interactive, over which I nearly lost my voice due to the constant cheering, meals and snack times over which heartfeld discussions are held about the services and games and the kids lives, and there's Bible Quizzing and study time for Bible Quizzing and there's devotions which set the tone for what God is doing in all our lives.

Our theme this week was E3:
  • Expect great things from God
  • Examine your heart before God
  • Excel in what God's calling you to do

Our speakers were so energetic and full of excellent examples to put us all in sync with the Word of God and to challenge us to dig deep and live bigger!

Two young men from Chosen, the Youth Band that led the worship this week, were assigned to dorm with our boys and they were an incredible blessing to all of us.

Pastor Ben was instrumental in assisting the Games Director with a diverse bunch of group games that truly bonded our group like never before, and challenged us to excel like never before. Watching our teens pull together and having the great privilege of being a part of them through this experience is one of my most favorite memories. At camp, all kids and chaperones are placed in teams and throughout the week, all teams compete to win the most number of points. The grand prize for placing #1 this year, was a midnight run to Sheetz (which is a great 24-hour snack shop in Carlisle offering all sorts of items including the biggest assortment of gum packs I've ever seen in one place). Our team won First Place. But for me, the path for first place was the big thing. Getting to work hard with all the kids to accomplish this was extremely personally rewarding. I could have skipped the midnight run, but it was part of the experience--after all, it's not everyday one gets to ride in a Valley Forge college van with a very funny van driver.

Another fabulous experience was seeing our teens fully participating in daily worship and completely in tune with the speakers' messages. Every single teen responded to various altar calls and I believe, all have received a special word of encouragement from God the Father. What a privilege to pray with them and watch their sincerity of heart!

Ms Sherrie, my co-chaperone for the girls, did an awesome job as group photographer and I can't wait to see her complete compilation once I get her my zipped file.

This post is very long, and I have more to share, but I will do so on subsequent entries. I will be in fast track mode these next 2 weeks since VBS starts July 9th.

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