Friday, July 11, 2008

A Nation of Whiners

I can't believe the timing of this statement. You have got to click the link that is below and listen to just part of what Senator Phil Graham said about the American Economy and the American mindset. I have 3/4ths of a message completed dealing with this very issue- a message that I will share Sunday July 27-you do not want to miss it. The media is polluting our minds with lies and the politicians are using these lies for their own advantage. Why would we vote for someone to fix something is it were not broken. We are being told lies about America's economic decline and it is just not true. If there is a decline in America it is not financial, it is spiritual and moral. Keep in mind that Phil Graham has a PhD in Economics. He knows the economy and what is really a shame is that he is being vilified for telling the truth-amazing. We have never had it so good financially but because we are spiritually wanting we are not satisfied-goes for Christians too!
Be sure to be in service July 27, 10am.

Pastor P

1 comment:

jamesjohnsonde said...

I am reminded of an interview that I heard with a "corporate employment consultant" that specialized in "industry migration" (headhunter)...he said that he reminds all of his clients that they don't need 60,000 jobs in the construction industry, or 100,000 jobs in the tech sector; they just need to find one. The average man probably still has a job, more money than the average human, and plenty of disposable income..."necessities" like cable tv, cell phones, and Best Buy credit card accounts might be the things that need to change. Kudos to Sen. Graham for stepping up and saying something that will certainly be unpopular.