Thursday, January 24, 2008

Welcome Home

If I would of known that writing a blog entry and picking up some last minute baby stuff was all I needed to do for Kristi to go into labor, then I would have done it a week ago.

Anyway, if you haven't heard, Kristi had the baby this past Sunday morning.

Sarah Michelle Rivera was born on January 20, 2008 at 6:15am.

We spent the entire night in the hospital wondering if she was going to make her appearance or if we would be sent home to wait some more. Kristi started having strong regular contractions at 8PM and by 11 PM was ready to head to the hospital. Thank God for great people who say they want to help and then do when called upon. Thanks again Robert and Jean for coming over to stay with the kids and Amy for being a great and helpful aunt.

My parents were in NY and Kristi's were in NJ were her sister had given birth to twin girls only a few hours earlier. That's right, 3 girls added to the family in 17 hours!!

They finally decided to perform the c-section at 4:30 or so. I can't remember exactly, sleep deprivation does that to a person.

She weighed 7lbs 5oz and was 20 inches long. That puts her smack dab in the middle of the other kids. Smaller than the boys, but bigger than her sisters. She had a full head of hair, unlike the other who resembled dad as a baby, bald as can be.

We are all excited to have her and Elena can't get enough of saying "Baby" and kissing her.

As with any new baby the next few weeks will be an adjustment for all. Keep Kristi in your prayers as she heals from her surgery.


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