Monday, November 19, 2007

Holy Spirit and Paintball

What a great weekend we had at PowerLine.

Friday night we had 110 at our youth service, with 20 first time visitors.

Saturday we had 40 get together to play paintball. Only 27 actually played, but that is a whole other story. Those that eventually played, had a great time and only a few went home with welts or bruises.

Back to Friday.

We have had an emphasis on the Holy Spirit this month and Friday night we taught on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Speaking in tongues. We had a full altar as dozens of students responded to receive more power. Several were filled with the HS and spoke in tongues and other commented that they had never felt God so close and real as they did that night.

I can't emphasize enough the importance of challenging our students to grow in their relationship with God. They are hungry and ready for more and with God's help we will work to disciple and encourage them.

In between, we will have fun and also look for opportunities to let Christ Shine through us in every venue.

Gotta go for now. We are having a "Drive-in" movie in my backyard later this week and I need to do some prep for that.


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