Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I am not wishing away the last 1/2 month of August summer, but I am very much looking forward to September 2nd.  It's gonna be a great day of change- or at least the opportunity for change.  The big emphasis that day is something very dear to my heart- SUNDAY SCHOOL.  It is the start to a new quarter, a newly formed Young Adults class, and a special push to get people back into a Sunday School class.  After all- why not?  We literally have a class for every age, infant, toddler, all the way up to two adult classes.

And this is so important- because we need to counteract all of the false and vain philosophies that we are assaulted with each and every day.  We need to wash ourselves with the water of the Word, Ephesians 5:26.  In other words, "BRAINWASHING".  I sure do hope that you will plan to take part September 2nd- 9am.

Pastor P

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